Web Essentials 1.7, Backbone.js, Google Nexus 4, Video game museum gets sold on ebay

Installed Web Essentials 1.7 for VS2012 at home and tried out Zen Coding. This is definitely something really awesome and something I wish was integrated a long time ago. As it stands, I don’t know how much “raw html” I will be coding in the near future to warrant using it all that much – but I guess any html coding is worth doing via Zen Coding! Finally spent some time and started doing the Pluralsight course on Backbone. [Read More]

Crossfit, Kindle Paperwhite, Philly Code Camp

Finally wrapped up the big project at work. Had to have my laptop rebuilt since installing VS2012 broke AD authentication in our app. That made for an interesting debug scenario while we tried to push live and fix bugs! Started Crossfit! The first class of the on-ramp program really kicked my ass. I thought for sure I was going to throw up by the end, but I hung in there and honestly I think I did pretty well. [Read More]

Nightmare work days, Post launch struggles (Fill the Part)

Absolute total nightmare at the end of the week as we pushed a new build to production and were impacted with a ton of problems. Mainly the issue resides in the fact that the current setup of the applications is a configuration/deployment nightmare – with way too many steps and settings involved leading to way too many opened ended possibilities for user error. Learned about the [attr] selector in jQuery – basically to detect the presense of an actual attribute in an html element. [Read More]

MVC postback bug, Underscore.js, ===, Asana, Launched FillThePart.com!!, Visual Studio 2012

After being stumped for a while with a particularly interesting issue in MVC – I found the solution on Rick Strahl’s blog. Specifically I was trying to change the values of a view model from a controller action, after PostBack – yet my changes seemed to be ignored or simply refuse to stick. Turns out the HtmlHelpers refer to the actual POST data on page load after postback (seemingly ignoring the “model” even though you explicitly refer to the model when using HtmlHelpers). [Read More]