Media queries with js, jStorage, native feeling web apps, Google Keep, and more!

Found a neat little JavaScript tool (that’s right, Vanilla!) called Enquire.js for detecting Media Query triggers in CSS. This could be cool for triggering events (like animation) when you have certain components of your page depending on different media queries. Even though those triggers typically only occur on resize/resolution change – it could also be used to detect orientation change (i.e. iPad rotate from portrait to landscape). While researching some stuff for an upcoming mobile web app I need to create I found this handy JavaScript tool for storing to Local Storage called jStorage. [Read More]

Maintaining minified .js files in Visual Studio 2012

Perhaps this is common knowledge, but I just figured it out (accidentally) and its pretty damn awesome! If you maintain a regular .js file, and then create a copy of it .min.js with a compressed copy of your code, Visual Studio will maintain that minified version automatically whenever you make changes to your original! It will create a .map file that it uses to keep track of the differences between your source and minified versions (variable names, etc). [Read More]

Week in Review 3/15/13

Some teammates were surfing around looking for some inspiration and found an agency website that does some truly incredible work: Notably are their BeerCamp websites they create:, – the 2013 website is actually a full on multiplayer game (similar to the original Mario Bros. game on Atari). Very inspirational!! While poking around the source code for the 2013 Beercamp website game I discovered Raphael.js, a simple JavaScript library that makes working with vector in HTML a breeze! [Read More]

Video Game Review: Tomb Raider

I had been anticipating the new reboot of Tomb Raider for quite some time, pretty much since they originally revealed it. I thought it looked extremely impressive, and being touted as an Uncharted clone was perfectly fine with me! As always, I had my doubts because hype is getting worse and worse in the gaming industry, and honestly the last year has felt like nothing but letdown after letdown. Once I popped the game in and experienced the first hour all of my concerns were gone. [Read More]

Raging Backbone.js coding and blog relaunch!

I continue to plug away at my Backbone.js project (rewriting from scratch basically). I’ve hit a shitload of road blocks, but most of them were related to my having to completely rethink how to handle a certain area or aspect to make it more efficient – and then wrap my head around how to accomplish this new concept using Backbone.js. I would say its taken me probably a solid 4-6 nights of coding to get to the point that I don’t feel utterly lost and coding is coming more fluent now (versus stutters as with most new languages/concepts). [Read More]

Single Page Application (SPA) Project Template

I started going through the process of deconstructing John Papa’s amazing CodeCamper Single Page Application project and trying to break it down to a basic stripped down project template. I love a lot of what was accomplished in that project (great DI, awesome Repositories and patterns, etc.)! While breaking down the project, I’ve learned quite a bit. I’ve posted the full source of the template to my github, but its still a work in progress. [Read More]

Require.js, Knockback.js, A developer’s reaction (animated gif gallery)

While playing with the SPA project template (post forthcoming) I finally took some time to play around with Require.js. While its fairly easy to get started, it blew my mind how it almost instantly changed my mindset and habits with regard to organization of my code. At its most basic level, it allows you to break all of your code down into nice bite-sized chunks in individual files – but its so much more. [Read More]

.Net Framework 2012.2, SPA templates, MGR: Revengeance, PS4, Working from home

The .Net framework 2012.2 update has been released. Most of this update has to do with a few minor tweaks and enhancements (color coding popular client-side templates, LESS support, etc) as well as some new templates. A great post on John Papa’s blog outlines the templates. Played Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and have to say I’m a little disappointed. Its definitely not Bayonetta, and I doubt Platinum will ever achieve the stunning awesomeness that was that game, but heres holding out hope (not much since last I heard Bayonetta 2 was WiiU exclusive). [Read More]

First Backbone.js app, layoffs, Bleeding edge .net, SFIV

I’ve been working on a Backbone.js application for a few days now, and I really feel like I’m finally getting the hang of it. I’ve run into a few snags here and there but for the most part I’ve been pushing ahead and my application is coming together nicely. I hope to do a post with the entire source code and a heavy breakdown of each area of the code and functionality. [Read More]

Pre-cache your for loops

While reading through the JavaScript Patterns book, I saw an item that totally stuck out as a crystal clear “duuhhh!!” moment. Why have I never seen/heard of that before and certainly why wasn’t I doing it regularly (and why hadn’t I thought of it to be honest). Instead of doing this: [sourcecode lang=”javascript”] for(var i=0; i < $(‘someselector li’).length; i++){ //loop through each LI in a UL, or any collection [Read More]