Testing directives can be somewhat painful at times. I specifically struggled with testing a keyDown event and passing specific keycodes.
[Read More]Announcing PayWhatevs.com!
I’ve been working on a new project for almost a year now and I’m finally excited to announce its launch!
[Read More]My new job at DramaFever.com!
Its been a while since my last post, but a lot has been going on. I started a new job with DramaFever.com!
[Read More]Request API node.js helper module
A convenient helper module for node.js and request when you regularly work with an API in your projects.
[Read More]Webcast: Rapid Prototyping Web Applications Using Node.js and MongoDB 1/7/15
Thanks to the awesome folks at O’Reilly I will be giving a live webcast about prototyping web applications using node.js and MongoDB.
[Read More]Simple MongoDB node.js client module
Here’s a simple MongoDB client module I use when prototyping projects in node.js.
[Read More]My new book: Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js
Introducing my new book; Web Development with MongoDB and Node.js! Its been a long 6 months of blood sweat and tears, but its finally released!
[Read More]Quick Tip: Increase upload size in AWS Elastic Beanstalk (node.js env)
If you want to support larger file uploads and you’re hosting a node.js app via AWS which uses nginx, heres a trick that will make it pretty easy to change the default cap.
[Read More]Automating Amazon.com login with Node.js and PhantomJS
My quest to make a better Kindle Direct Publishing report using their “nonpublic” API data.
[Read More]Automate your (digital) life with ifttt.com
I recently discovered ifttt.com (again) and the level of sophistication and life automation it delivers is unbelievably convenient. If you aren’t using it, start today!
[Read More]