Barbell Club, Beard Contests, Tough Mudder!!

5am wake up call!! Had to get up at 5 on Monday morning to make sure I was first to register online for the CFG Generation Barbell Club!! Its an 8 week program that focuses on weight training/lifting with an emphasis on technique and improved individual performance. Luckily I got up because by 9:30 all slots were full! I’ve been participating in a “Beard Contest” at work, and I can honestly say that I hate it. [Read More]

Movie Review: Jack Reacher

One of the biggest surprises in casting news this year was the reveal of Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. For some, the choice was obvious. Tom Cruise fills seats! And that’s pretty much all the movie studios want. For others, people like us that actually know the source material, the choice was a huge and obvious mistake. If you aren’t familiar with Jack Reacher, the character, he can generally be summarized as being a huge, foreboding, tank of a guy. [Read More]

What easy, sure-fire trick will help you stick to your (new) workout plan?

If you’re like most people, one of your New Year’s resolutions is to start working out! However, its no surprise that most local gym memberships skyrocket in January, but attendance is back to regular levels by February. I’ve tried working out on and off for years, and its just always been something I’ve struggled with and never ever succeeded at. I tried the local gym, I tried Xbox Kinect workout “games”, I tried in-home gyms, I tried running using Nike+, I tried just going to the local park. [Read More]

Back to work! 1 day Hackathon! Design for developers.

Had a great Christmas/New Years break (well went back to work for 2 days in between there)!! Enjoyed the time off and just spending time with the little one and generally doing nothing productive! I did find time during the break to spend an entire day working with @Answer7 doing a little mini hackathon! This was something that we have been toying with for a while – the basic premise is that you and a few friends lock yourself in a room for an entire day and try to create something from scratch! [Read More]

Remove vertical spacing around inline-block LI (list items)

I struggled with a minor issue in HTML for a few hours off an on during a project that was just really bothering me. Basically, I had a few LIs that I was displaying as inline-block (horizontally stacked side by side): [sourcecode lang=”html”] Item 1 Item 1 Item 1 [/sourcecode] When the rows would naturally wrap, there was a tiny gap between rows (as if there was a top margin or padding). [Read More]

2013 Goals and Ambitions

This is probably going to be one of my last posts for 2012 so I decided to end with a list of my goals and ambitions for the next year! Personally, I think its very important to always have goals and something to look forward to, but also as something to continuously drive yourself to improve. A goal is a destination, and without a destination you’re just travelling aimlessly with no clear direction or indication of where to go so, ultimately, you wind up nowhere (or right back where you started). [Read More]

2012 Year in Review

Wow! Looking back, this was quite literally a whirlwind year for me! Honestly, the main theme of this year really was self-discovery, learning, and growth! Where to begin… At the very end of last year, I personally felt that my passion for my business/partnership was on the downturn. I was struggling with if I even wanted to do it anymore. Then, one of our biggest clients basically told us they were hiring someone full-time and bringing all the work in-house. [Read More]

Ember.js vs Backbone.js, Responsive Grid Systems, Kinect for Windows, Barbell Club!!

So I spent most of 2 days working through trying to figure out Ember.js. (I know previously I said I was going to focus on Backbone, but I wanted to stick with Ember one more day and try to see it through.) Granted, I’m totally new to this whole MV* side of JavaScript. I had decided that Ember was just the way to go. Sadly, after 2 full days of playing around I’ve given up (for now) and decided to start focusing on Backbone. [Read More]

JavaScript MV* Frameworks!!?, Far Cry 3 coop, Kinect development starting!

Played through all of the co-op missions in Far Cry 3 with @AnswerSeven and that was a lot of fun. It was an honor being a part of his completing 1000⁄1000 in that game! Well done!! Looks like we might have a real project at work to use the Kinect with: our users group meeting we host every year, with over 5000 in attendance. I came up with an idea that I think might be pretty interesting, all really for the purposes of allowing me an opportunity to work with the Kinect. [Read More]