launch! DMC!!! JavaScript/Node.js/Backbone.js

Soft launched over the weekend! By soft launch, I mean, bought and setup the domain, and got a test version of the site live. Login works, and the site “works” for the most part, but is very much not ready for prime time yet. I still need to get a lot of things working and most importantly I need a basic admin for the games database. The data that’s up right now is just test seed data – while pretty solid is far from complete or even valid. [Read More]

Back to work! 1 day Hackathon! Design for developers.

Had a great Christmas/New Years break (well went back to work for 2 days in between there)!! Enjoyed the time off and just spending time with the little one and generally doing nothing productive! I did find time during the break to spend an entire day working with @Answer7 doing a little mini hackathon! This was something that we have been toying with for a while – the basic premise is that you and a few friends lock yourself in a room for an entire day and try to create something from scratch! [Read More]