Next-Gen Launch Titles: PS4 / Xbox One

Lets take a look at the current list of confirmed launch day titles exclusive to each of the next-gen consoles. Then I will list the remainder of the launch titles that you can get on either console.

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Passing parameters to click event using trigger

I have a simple jQuery onClick event bound to a link. On the load of the page, I fetch existing data from a cookie and then call the onClick manually to setup the page (for returning visitors). There is some animation associated with the click – but when the page loads and all of the clicks are registered, the animations look odd and out of sync (and just logically dont make sense in that situation). [Read More]

Tough Mudder Philadelphia 2013

I have successfully finished the Philadelphia Tough Mudder 2013! Not only did I finish, I completed every obstacle! My only problem was the distance / terrain – it was just way too rough and my knees failed me very early on which lead me to wind up walking more than half the course in incredible pain. But I completed the course!! I will say, honestly, I don’t think I ever would want to do it again. [Read More]

Thoughts on the Xbox One reveal

I was very excited for the big reveal from Microsoft, and literally was counting down the days. When it finally arrived, I could hardly contain myself! My initial reaction was that I was somewhat underwhelmed, but generally excited and liked everything I saw during the presentation (even though I could very easily admit that they just didn’t show enough). The TV integration stuff I thought was very neat, and more importantly the pure speed of how everything worked on the system really wowed me and put to rest the biggest complaint I have with the current generation: how slow/long everything seems to take “using” the system. [Read More]

Week in Review – 5/24/13

While I continue to work on the mobile application I’m creating for work, I rewrote the entire framework so that its much better organized. I also decided to integrate Marionette.js which was absolutely worth while. It took a little bit to figure it out, but the savings in time after the fact are huge! Writing simple views and collections now is a no brainer (almost to the point that I feel bad because it feels like cheating! [Read More]

Starting Web Development with node.js/ExpressJS

For the past few months I’ve been seeing more and more about node.js popping up all over the place. I installed it and dabbled a few months ago, but never really spent more than an hour and honestly didn’t walk away very impressed (my own fault, really). This past week I decided to really give it another shot, really trying to dig into it and actually accomplish something. This also sparked by my discovery of Koding. [Read More]

Discovering my love of “front-end” development / Being more pragmatic

Lately I’ve been noticing a trend with my skill set – its been increasing which is always great, but also starting to veer in directions that are alternate to that of a typical “.net developer”. I say this because, for all intents and purposes, I am a typical “.net developer”. Every recruiter I get a call from always has a “great .net opportunity that you would be perfect for!”. I’ve always prided myself on this notion, always considered myself a . [Read More]

RegEx to convert urls in text to links (JavaScript)

Here’s a quick tip.  If you have text that contains urls (i.e. tweets) and want the urls in the text to appear as actual links via HTML, use the following RegEx:

[sourcecode lang=”javascript”]

var message = “Here is some tweet text. Check out:";

var exp = /(b(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|])/ig;

message = message.replace(exp, “$1”);

