Here’s my obligatory list of goals and ambitions for the year!
[Read More]How to fork your own repo in Github
While forking your own repo sounds like it should be fairly obvious, its definitely not.
[Read More]2013 Year in Review
Boilerplate web app using Backbone.js, ExpressJS, node.js, MongoDB
A boilerplate project for a complete web application written using Backbone.js & Marionette, node.js & ExpressJS, MongoDB & Mongoose, Handlebars, Grunt.js, Bower, and Browserify!
[Read More]Mimic Mac Copy/Paste in Windows
With this quick tip, you can mimic one of the most commonly used keystrokes that’s completely different between Windows and Mac – Copy/Paste!
[Read More] is a pretty awesome to do app
I’ve been trying to find the perfect “to do” app for quite some time and I think I might have finally found it!
[Read More]MongoDB for Node.js Developers online training & certification
JavaScript TDD with Jasmine and Karma
We do rapid releases at AWeber so we’re constantly pushing code changes to our users. To be sure that we aren’t in a constant state of “fix 1 bug, introduce 2 more” we embrace TDD across our entire stack. This includes making sure our front-end JavaScript code has thorough test coverage.
[Read More]My custom Bash shell prompt
Notes: Agile Development Training
Here are notes I took during a recent Agile training program at work. Not sure if any of this will be of any value or use to anyone, but here are they none-the-less.
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