I went on a bit of a shopping spree on Amazon. Besides a few Kindle books (sci-fi, etc) I grabbed a few new JavaScript books as well:
JavaScript Patterns – Stoyan Stefanov
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja – John Resig, Bear Bibeault
If you are looking to utterly destroy an entire afternoon (or more), definitely check out the HTML5 version of an oldie but goodie, Free Rider HD!! (also know as Canvas Rider)
GitHub’s 404 page is possibly one of the coolest ever.
Absolutely fantastic article about working out in general – Everything You Know About Fitness Is a Lie. Make it a priority to read this article at once!
What a great plugin for Visual Studio 2012 – MultiEdit. Basically allows you to hold the ALT key and then click multiple areas in your code that will place multiple cursors. Then you can edit as many areas of your code at the same time! Works similar to the Shift-Alt cursor drag highlighting, except you can place cursors wherever you want!
Pushed a new page I’ve worked pretty hard on live on our website: nextgen.com/resources This page retrieves a lot of data as JSON initially, and then the rest of the page never makes another network call again. The filters work very quickly, and there are a lot of different search/filter options.
I finally started working on a mock prototype single page web application using Backbone.js. I definitely have a pretty solid understanding of Backbone.js now, my only problem is figuring out the nuances and specifically the total change of mindset when developing this way. But its definitely neat and I’m digging it!
Finally, I think I’m going to take a 4 week “course” on rock climbing, at a local rock climbing gym near me. This coupled with my Crossfit schedule should keep me pretty busy!